Translate the plugin into different languages for our friends overseas
Status: Open
Remote Monitoring Solution
For sites using the PBC plugin, allow a central dashboard (via to manage some elements of the site. Uptime/Downtime indicators, plugins needing update and some alerts etc.
Download Snippet Button
Allow users to easily download snippets into a text file for storage or use elsewhere
Pods Integration
Support for the PODS plugin
Speed of Previews
Speed up previews of layouts in the popup for a better experience
Admin Area on PBC
Allow users to see their stats and administer layouts from their account on Update Jan 2019: This has been started. The account area on the PBC website shows the basic API key management system and has scope for all sorts of stats and other tools to help you manage your account.
Zapier/API Integration
Add ability for various webhooks so users can trigger certain events on upload of a layout/snippet or categorisation
CPT-UI Support
Add in ability to save CPT-UI settings/config and import/export using the system
Captain Form Integration
Support for the Captain Form plugin
Fun Facts
Quirky/Interesting facts to read whilst the layout is being imported.. Bit of fun 🙂