With new Divi 4.0 being able to import and export layouts of the theme builder from PBC would be nice!
Status: Open
API Key Category lock down
The ability to lock down what categories an api key has access to. I.e. – being able to lock a client site down to only see layouts that were say saved at launch time as a sort of ‘backup’ in case the client messes things up.
Support plugin Code Snippets
It will be cool if able to support plugin Code Snippets.
Edit Layout Title – After Upload to PBC
The ability to edit the template/layout title after upload is a must. On the site it might be titled “Home” “About Us” – etc… not very convenient to have 20 all titled “About Us” or “Home” in PBC and it doesn’t make sense to put the say business name in each page title on every […]
Links Updated on import
The idea is that the links contained in the template would update to use the url of the template’s new home. This way – if I’m setting up a site for a client they won’t see links that go to a different client’s site. I much rather have a 404 happen until I fix the […]
Pods Integration
Support for the PODS plugin
Section/Row Saving
Allow users to save sections and rows to the cloud instead of full layouts
Thumbnail Generation
More accurate thumbnails taken client-side instead of via the server. This reduces the likelihood of layout previews looking different due to local theming and plugin configurations
Integrate Page Builder Sandwich
New builder integration to increase spread of support for PBC
Themeum Builder Integration
New builder integration to increase spread of support for PBC